Munchie of the Month: Cookie Dough

Come and play, everything's A-OK
Say it with me children: C is for cookie dough, that’s good enough for me! Yes, cookie dough—the quintessential stuff of happy childhoods. Whoever has not committed the sin of eating the dough before it was baked, let them make the first crumbs. Let’s be real—the best part of baking cookies is the dough before it’s ever plopped down on the baking sheet. Salmonella be damned! May my intestines burn in hell for eating raw eggs, gimme my cookie dough!
There has got to be some primal truth hidden in the mix. My guess: our latent desire to eat what we aren’t supposed to… like the first time you ate Play-Doh. Sneaking a bit of batter, you know you’re going to get the “look” that says, Get your filthy hands out of the bowl. But we all love it—the grit of the sugar crystals, the buttery texture of the batter, the snap of the chocolate chunks beneath our molars.
Before Ben & Jerry’s took it mainstream in their Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream (launched in 1991), the unshaped, elemental matter only surfaced in teary confessions of Overeaters Anonymous.
Before Ben & Jerry’s took it mainstream in their Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream (launched in 1991), the unshaped, elemental matter only surfaced in teary confessions of Overeaters Anonymous. No more! Today you can walk into your local grocer, grab a tube-o-dough, and happily sit yourself down to the most satisfying munchies experience.
In a very scientific double-stoned HEADS experiment, test subjects shared an entire tube of cookie dough—no one suffered any major nasty side effects, although one participant came down with a bad case of the farts. Go ahead and give in to the pleasure. Your inner child will smile.
Gourmet version:
Roll cookie dough into balls to garnish Cookie Dough Martinis = Never grow old!
First appeared in Heads Magazine, Vol.6 Issue 03