Munchie of the Month: Twinkies!

Love me tender
Twinkies have three bellybuttons. A lot of people don’t know this but it’s true. Take the time to intimately examine a Twinkie or any of the snack cakes available in their own designated realm of the grocery store and you’ll discover this fascinating fact and countless more.
Truth be told the last thing you want to do while tripping on shrooms is eat Twinkies—there is no surer way to end you hallucinogenic voyage. Of course, if you’re looking for a quick exit—say your flight into the natural mystic is in dire need of direct grounding in the synthetic now—then Twinkies is the ticket. But before you pull the plug on your trippy-trippy take a closer look at that beloved American icon of wholesomeness and its very existence may sooth your heebie-jeebies. Twinkies are non-confrontational. Indeed they’re comfort food you don’t even have to ingest. They’re spongy, golden in colour, teeming with white creamy filling and oozing oil. That’s essential oil of Twinkies! Something so rare and fine, you may wish to anoint your forehead and give thanks to the goddess of snack cakes.
Then again what will your friends think as you whisper praise into the tender ear of your Twinkie? Not a thing! They’re tripping too, and you and your Twinkie will either go completely unnoticed or they will join in the pagan Twinkies festivity. Just be sure to have enough for everyone.
Keep some Twinkies or other snack cakes—we like Little Debbie Swiss Rolls, Hohos, Golden Cup Cakes but especially RingDings!—on hand the next time you trip. They’ll come in mighty handy when your voyage of the divine is over and you need a fast boost of energy to get you to your next destination.
Strain pairing: Vanilla Crème Pie by Humboldt Seed Company
Find more Munchies of the Month here