Munchie of the Month: Pop-tarts

Filled, frosted and ready to go!
“Omigod! This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten!”
When you’re flying high just about everything is “the best thing ever” but let’s be real, Pop-tarts hold a special place in the hearts of all stoners. There ain’t nothing about them we would change. When the motto is “filled, frosted and ready to go” you know you’ve stumbled upon a winning formula. Once you’ve freed them from their NASA Mylar packaging, you’re faced with your only stoner hurdle: to toast or not to toast? Don’t wander in the wasteland of indecision—you’ve got five more in the box so you can experiment or set up a little hot and cold Pop-tart buffet.
When the motto is “filled, frosted and ready to go” you know you’ve stumbled upon a winning formula.
Assuming you own a toaster (a.k.a. the default oversized lighter you use when you’ve run out of matches or misplaced your Zippo, again!), toasting is the way to go. Keep an eye on the prize; you don’t want it to go up in flames. A plunge in the toaster brings out the flavour and adds an element of crispness to your personal pastry, and why deny yourself the stoned pleasure of the Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Do not ignore the warning on the box—it’s there for a reason. The filling can get mighty hot and the last thing you want is a trip to emergency because you’ve barbecued your tongue beyond recognition. Take it slow and enjoy. Now say it with me boys and girls: filled, frosted and ready to go!
Gourmet version:
2 Pop-tarts + ice cream = Pop-tart ice cream sandwich
Strain pairing:
Raspberry Parfait by Humboldt Seed Company
First appeared in Heads Magazine, Vol.5 Issue 04