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    Gateway to the Ether 3

    Gateway to the Ether 3

    Record Crates United’s Keith Hadad takes the lead on a highly meditative sonic journey

    As the radio show host and music writer for Record Crates United, music soundtracks pretty much every moment of Keith Hadad's day. But his favourite smoking activity is slipping on a pair of big headphones and listening to a stack of records with a mellow bowl. Join him as he drifts high above the soundscapes in this highly meditative sonic journey.

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    Gateway to the Ether 4 ~ Brent Rademaker

    Gateway to the Ether 4 ~ Brent Rademaker

    Curation Record's Brent Rademaker eats an edible and lets the gummies do the DJing 


    Brent Rademaker knows about harmonic pairings: weed and music go great together. As a West Coast musician, he’s tripped through psychedelic country, California folk-rock and sunshine pop. As a seasoned wake-and-baker, he’s puffed and passed backstage with the greats. Here he shares his passion for pot and positive vibes with his take on the most synergetic stoner mixtape. 

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    Gateway to the Ether 5 ~ Andy French

    Gateway to the Ether 5 ~ Andy French

    Andy French of Raven Sings the Blues gets lifted and takes his turntable and speakers outdoors to create the ultimate deep listening playlist. 


    Andy French, founder of the music website Raven Sings the Blues, has made it his life’s mission to mine rare musical gems. He’s especially roused by indie, psych, garage and experimental music. As a writer and promoter, he’s steeped in music from sunup to sundown, and knows just how to attain the perfect state of mind for concentrated listening.

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    Gateway to the Ether 6 ~ Lara Bennett of Petal Motel

    Gateway to the Ether 6 ~ Lara Bennett of Petal Motel

    Lara Bennett of Petal Motel gets lost in the Mojave Desert and returns with a soothing 20-song psychedelic experience.


    Lara Bennett of Petal Motel, a blog dedicated to cosmic American music, has created a most serene psychedelic experience starting with an ambient entrance into soothing sounds, followed by an ascent of rollicking peaks, before touching down gently. Featuring local discoveries and old favourites, our guest trip master is here to guide you.

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    SF in Bloom

    SF in Bloom

    Spreading joy wherever they go

    Whether on the wing of a bee or the wing of a butterfly, SF in Bloom have germinated a worldwide planting movement to seed native plants, increase biodiversity and support beneficial insects. Their passion for plants is leading the way for others to get their hands dirty and become better stewards of our beautiful planet. Discover how they are democratizing gardening for all.

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