Ghetto Tech: The Deep Breathing THC Mask

Let the bag squeezing commence!
We were feeling particularly innovative of late, so decided to go to our local medical supply store to see what we could find. If you’ve never thought of heading to one to stock up on ghetto tech stuff, then you don’t know what you’re missing.
We found this oxygen mask in aisle 3, sandwiched between surgical masks and catheters. It was love at first sight.
A lot of medical supply shops do not require a prescription for most items, so any old schmuck can just walk in and buy what they want. We found this oxygen mask in aisle 3, sandwiched between surgical masks and catheters. It was love at first sight.
The possibilities with a device like this are endless. Hardcore DIY-ers will find dozens of uses for this thing. Break it down into pieces and get creative!
What you’ll need:
- Oxygen mask
- Cannabis
- Rolling papers
- Lighter
- Duct tape (Duh!)
How to:
Step 1
Tape up 3 of the 4 holes of the accordion device. You’ll need the last one as a carb. (If all the holes are open, it won’t suck up the smoke. If they’re all blocked, the bag won’t inflate.)
Step 2
Roll a joint that will fit in the end of the long skinny tube—the one that would normally deliver oxygen. Light the joint and put it in the tube. (Note: Compressed oxygen is flammable. Make sure none of that is lying around before you light up that doob.)
Step 3
Sit down and place the tube between your knees so nothing catches on fire.
Step 4
Put the mask up to your face. Keep it in place by holding onto the bag.
Step 5
Your other hand will control the carb. Place your finger there in anticipation of what’s to come.
Step 6
Squeeze the bag while you pull your finger on and off the carb hole. Once the bag squeezing commences, you’ll be inhaling nothing but sweet THC smoke!
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