Ghetto Tech: The Generation Joint

Desperate times call for desperate measures
“Holy shit! There’s no weed left!” Yes my friends, we’ve all been in this situation; even the most chronic of us. You’ve been sitting on the couch all night smoking your brains out until you reach for your stash to roll another, only to realize there’s nothing left to roll. Or you’ve just plain run out of weed AND money. There’s no two ways about it: you’re desperate. After scraping your grinder and gathering all the crumbs you can find, you’re still a joint’s worth away from a good roll. What’s a stoner to do? Simple. Go ghetto.
A Generation joint (otherwise known as a mach joint) is about as ghetto as you can get, but it works, and it’ll get you high. Follow these simple steps and you’re on your way from ghetto to good ‘n’ stoned!
What you’ll need:
Rolling paper
How to:
Step 1: Dig through all your ashtrays, dry sludge cups and general rolling areas for as many roaches as you can find.
Step 2: Unroll all your old roaches.
Step 3: Take all the roach leftovers (and any green bits you’ve managed to scrap together) and roll a new doobie.
Voilà! The mach 1 or first generation joint! It’ll tide you over till you can refresh your stash. Now don’t forget to restock your weed because you don’t want to descend to the next level—the mach 2 joint (second generation).