Terpenology: alpha-Bisabolol

The terpene alpha-Bisabolol is a great starting point for Terpenology as botanical sources of this bioactive compound such as candeia, chamomile and sage are some of the most ancient medical herbs known to mankind. German chamomile, the wood of the Brazilian tree candeia, and African alpine sage contain significant amounts of alpha-Bisabolol, with lesser quantities present in cannabis. Identified by ethnobotanists for its medicinal value, alpha-Bisabolol is recognized as a potent anti-inflammatory and healing medicine. Cannabis strains containing the terpene alpha-Bisabolol offer similar therapeutic effects especially in synergy with other naturally occurring agents within the plant—often referred to as the entourage effect. So put on the kettle for a cup of calming chamomile tea and spark up a cannabis strain with a strong alpha-Bisabolol terpene profile for a soothing escape.
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita), long recognized by ethnobotanists for its medicinal value contains significant amounts of alpha-Bisabolol.
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Candeia (Eremanthus erythropappus), African alpine sage (Salvia runcinata), Cannabis (Cannabis sativa)
Mild floral, fruity aroma
Therapeutic benefits:
Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-nociceptive (soothing), wound-healing, calming, strong entourage effect with other terpenes