Psychedelic Sangha

Embark on a mind dance journey
Described as “holy music for an unholy time,” Sounds From The Bardo, Vol. II recorded live at Judson Memorial Church in NYC features the trio of guitarist Scott Metzger, percussionist Tony Leone and bassist Jeff Hill. Psychedelic Sangha, a collection of misfit seekers and creative searchers, commissioned the combo to perform at one of their recent sound baths.
Psychedelic Sangha offers spiritual-arts programming and peer-to-peer support for integrating and exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness. Their gatherings offer a safe, reliable, and free space for people to talk about non-ordinary states of consciousness and get emotional support, education, and harm reduction strategies for psychedelics.
Sounds From The Bardo, Vol. II's contemplative journey begins with a guided meditation by instructor Jessica Angima, easing into 60 minutes of hypnotic improvisational music, followed by a gentle return to self-awareness. For those seeking a retreat from chaos into a suspended state of consciousness, the recoding provides a sonic path to deep introspection and personal reflection.
"We approached the music knowing that people would be meditating, so we wanted the music to be conducive to that," Leone says. "We also hoped to lead the meditators on a sonic journey. The same way a dance band inspires its listener to dance, we wanted to invite our meditators to a “mind dance."
The performers set three guiding principals to inspire them: First, maintain the music to a whisper dynamically; second, keep the music constant throughout the meditation; and third, ensure a sense of forward rhythmic motion. The resulting jam is a meditative sound tract emerging from soft swirling notes, shape shifting high and low, and finally rising into clanging ecstasy.
The three musicians have been orbiting in common musical circles for years, with Leone and Hill playing in the Chris Robinson Brotherhood and Metzger, a full time member of Joe Russo’s Almost Dead and Circles Around The Sun. Psychedelic Sangha’s Bardo Bath was the first time they performed together as an improvisational trio. Sounds From The Bardo, Vol. II includes two bonus tracks recorded during the trio's soundcheck.
"Although we've known each other many years and have played in different situations together, the soundcheck was the first time we had ever set up as a trio and just started playing free, reacting to whatever the other guys were laying down," Leone says. "There is a certain openness and looseness to the soundchecks and we thought it was important to include them.”
Sounds from the Bardo Vol. II - Teaser 1 from Psychedelic Sangha on Vimeo.
Taking time to quiet the mind, relax and float is good for the soul and Sounds From The Bardo, Vol. II offers safe passage on the journey to mindfulness. Now find a comfortable spot away from distractions and press play.

Sounds From The Bardo, Vol. II
Track Listing:
1. Live from Judson Memorial Church (meditation)
2. Live from Judson Memorial Church (instrumental)
3. Soundcheck Jam I
4. Soundcheck Jam II
5. Live From Judson Memorial Church (full length light show video)
Psychedelic Sangha on Bandcamp
More about Psychedelic Sangha here
More about Jessica Angima here
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