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    Backyard Entheogens — Psychoactive

    Backyard Entheogens ~ Calamus

    Backyard Entheogens ~ Calamus

    Sweet euphoria from bitterroot

    Calamus, long associated with euphoria, love and lust, is an ancient Native American entheogen producing an MDA-like high. Commonly known as sweet flag or bitterroot, the dried rhizomes are chewed to combat fatigue or smoked with cannabis for a truly divine hallucinogenic experience. Discover more about Acorus americanus and revel in the psychoactive effects of this flowering wetland plant.

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    Backyard Entheogens ~ Lysergic Acid Alkaloids

    Backyard Entheogens ~ Lysergic Acid Alkaloids

    Morning glory acid tripping

    Flying Saucers, Pearly Gates, Heavenly Blue—all varieties of morning glories commonly found in ornamental gardens. These flowering beauties veil an entheogenic secret: their seeds contain lysergic acid, a naturally psychoactive chemical cousin to LSD. If you're looking to feed your acidhead, seek no further than your own backyard!

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    Backyard Entheogens: Bufo Alvarius!

    Backyard Entheogens: Bufo Alvarius!

    Blast off with the Sonoran Desert Toad

    Jumping into our new column, Backyard Entheogens is Bufo alvarius, the Sonoran Desert Toad. The venom of Bufo alvarius is a potent source of the naturally occurring hallucinogenic 5MeO-DMT used by ancient peoples and is at the origin of the toad-sucking myth. Psychonauts beware: Toad tripping can range from bliss to terror. Discover the ritualistic and modern applications of this visionary compound and many more psychedelics in Backyard Entheogens.

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