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    Recipes — Peppermint

    HeadsRecipe: Cannabis Peppermint Schnapps

    HeadsRecipe: Cannabis Peppermint Schnapps

    The frosty embrace of wintertime is best celebrated with outdoor festivals and carnivals. What better way to enjoy the season than with a cannabis-infused tipple. This tincture can be made with any number of spirits including rum, vodka or brandy, but peppermint schnapps gives it an emerald colour and a fragrant boisé flavour. Add to your CBD-infused coffee for some highly festive cheer.


    1 to 2 ounces cannabis buds (flowers), shake or trim (leaves), ideally organic

    20 ounces 100+ proof alcohol (rum, vodka, brandy or schnapps)


    Grind the flowers or leaves to expose surface area. Do not grind to a powder or it will be difficult to strain. Place the cannabis in a clean glass container. Add alcohol and shake. Seal and store in a warm, dark place. Shake daily for two weeks to a month. Strain tincture using a sieve into a clean bottle. Strain again using a cheesecloth or paper coffee filter. Test the potency by starting with one drop at a time.

    Yields 20 ounces.

    Cannabis tincture will keep indefinitely.