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    Backyard Entheogens: Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

    Backyard Entheogens: Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

    Adrift in Nature's LSD

    The Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) may hold the honour of containing the highest concentrations of lysergic acid amides found in nature. This LSD-like heavy hitter isn't a rose at all but is related to the morning glory family—well known by psychonauts for its hallucinogenic properties. Set yourself adrift on Nature's LSD trip!

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    Backyard Entheogens ~ Lysergic Acid Alkaloids

    Backyard Entheogens ~ Lysergic Acid Alkaloids

    Morning glory acid tripping

    Flying Saucers, Pearly Gates, Heavenly Blue—all varieties of morning glories commonly found in ornamental gardens. These flowering beauties veil an entheogenic secret: their seeds contain lysergic acid, a naturally psychoactive chemical cousin to LSD. If you're looking to feed your acidhead, seek no further than your own backyard!

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